Acupuncture is the oldest practiced medical system in the world, and is used by 1/3 of the world’s population as a primary health care system. Extremely fine, hair-thin needles are placed at specific acupunc- ture points on the body. When the needles are inserted, the client may experience a sensation of warmth or tingling. Most people are surprised to find treatments quite relaxing. The length and frequency of a treatment may vary for each individual.
Because of its relatively low cost and its non-invasive nature, acupuncture has become a highly popular form of complementary health care
in the United States.
Patients who are committed to a healthy lifestyle and receive ongoing acupuncture treatment for maintenance and health promotion experience:​​
Surveys conclude that patients who receive acupuncture pay visits to their physicians less frequently and use less medication. In addition,
over 2/3 of those surveyed reported having avoided recommended surgery.
less illness and quicker recovery
improved vitality and stamina
sustainability of good health
more harmonious relationships
reductions of long-term health care costs
The World Health Organization recognizes the ability of acupuncture to treat over 40 common disorders including: chronic pain, allergies and asthma, sleep problems, stress/anxiety, headaches, back pain, infertility and depression. Acupuncture
is often an effective therapy for other chronic and debilitating disorders that have no clear origin or explanation.